Over the last few years, we have worked to produce a dedicated Programme of Study for our Little Church participants. Each session, made to mirror the Mass, starts with the question: What experience of God will the children have today? This is our motivation in planning and delivering interesting, relatable and enjoyable sessions for the children.
Each week:
- we share what we are sorry for - the penetential rite
- we give thanks and praise for good things that have happened in our week - the Gloria
- we listen to the Gospel
- we talk and discuss the message of the readings
- we have an activity that ranges from drawing, colouring, making a group project, playing a game, doing a meditation... all with the experience of God at the centre.
Little Church takes place every 2nd and 4th Sunday of the year at the 10: 30 am Mass.
See below an example of the activity for the 11th Sunday of Year A. Children explored the verse: "Freely you have received; freely give." Matthew 10:8. They created little bags containg reminders of the gifts God has given to us that we can share with all we meet...