International Table of Fellowship organised by CARJ

Whats-OnPlease add the following dates to your diaries

With One Voice is a new choir for LGBTQ Catholics, friends and families from across the Archdiocese of Liverpool.

Little Church is a very special and important ministry. If you would like to join our team, please speak to Christine...

This year will be the 100th year or Pilgrimages to Lourdes from Liverpool.

Many thanks to Sally Ann, Ruth, Honor, Margaret, Von and Holly who prepared and delivered the beautiful Time to...

We were delighted to support 96 children and their families in their preparation for the sacrament of First Holy...

If you're looking for a card, gift or Mass card, don't forget about the piety stall at the back of church. 

A group of parishioners will be travelling to Petrosani, Romania on 5th August for one week.

The Archdiocese of Liverpool has organised Mass in support of LGBTQ+ Catholics and their families in various parishes...

During COVID we started Live streaming 11 am Mass on a Sunday. We continue to do this. If you are away for the...

Our craft group made over 300 small gifts and together with the local primary schools, who made Christmas cards, we...

The church is now open everyday between 10 am and 1 pm. 

When the Archbishop announced his decision to hold an archdiocesan Synod he set out the scale of the challenge saying...

As part of our compliance of the General Data protection Regulation (GDPR) we are obliged to advise people what data...

Great news, we have today updated the website to allow you to now receive our weekly newsletters direct to your inbox...

 Get our newsletter direct to your inbox, just add your email below and receive the newsletter each week

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